Flag Football; Revived Fitness Co. Rec.Leagues; Grades 2-3

League will assist athletes with fundamental development. Athletes will have opportunity to play all positions. Teamwork, organized offensive and defensive drills will be taught. Special teams and terminology will be introduced during first 2 Tuesdays of the program; remaining weeks include practices followed by games played under the lights.

Participant Dress Code: 

• Athletic tennis shoes and comfortable shorts/pants are preferred (Cleats not required).

• Players will receive uniform t-shirts towards the conclusion of week two’s program.

Times & Dates:

Grades 2nd-3rd     

6:15-7:30 p.m.     

Fall: 9/19/2018 - 11/7/2018

Spring: 3/20/2019 - 5/1/2019 

Fall: 9/25/2019 - 11/13/2019  

Spring: 2020 Season Canceled Due To COVID-19  

Fall: 9/29/2021 - 11/17/2021

Spring: 3/17/2022 - 5/5/2022

Fall: 9/20/2022 - 11/15/2022

Spring: 3/21/2023 - 5/2/2023

Fall: 9/19/2024 - 11/14/2024

Spring: 3/26/2024 - 5/7/2024

Fall: 9/17/2024 - 11/12/2024

Escalante Community Center
2150 E Orange St, Tempe, AZ 85281

2nd-3rd Grade Fall 2023 Flag Football Registration Form

Escalante Community Center

2150 E Orange St, Tempe, AZ 85281

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Co. Rec. 2nd/3rd Grade FLAG FOOTBALL

2nd/3rd Flag Football Rule Guide

*If not listed all basic football rules apply*

Game Play

• Football Size: Pee Wee

• Games are played on a continuous clock with two (2) twenty (20) minute halves.

• Halftime is two minutes

• Players must wear shoes. Cleats aren’t mandatory but are welcome.

• Offensive team takes possession after kick off. Team has (4) plays to cross mid-field. Once a team crosses midfield, they have (4) plays to score a touchdown.

• Downs; 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th; Offense has (4) attempts to advance the ball.

• Once ball is spotted, a team has (30) seconds to snap the ball.

• If the offense fails to score, the ball changes possession and the new offensive team starts its drive on their own (5) yard line.

• If the offensive team, fails to cross midfield, possession of the ball changes and the opposition starts its drive from their own (5) yard line.

• All possession changes, except kickoff returns and interceptions, start on the offense’s (5) yard line.


• Touchdown = 6 points

• P.A.T. (Points After Touchdown); Team must declare whether attempting 1pt. or 2pt conversion

o 1pt P.A.T is a pass only from the (5) Yard Line

o 2pt P.A.T can be a pass or run from the (10) yard line

• Safety = 2 points; When Ball Carrier is declared down in his/her own end zone.

• If the score is tied at the end of the (40) minutes, the game should be determined a tie.

o Coaches have option to institute an overtime period on last game(s) of season.

o Each team is allowed a minimum of (1) possession.


• Teams with insufficient substitute players may play with (4) players, but no fewer.

Live Ball/Dead Ball

• Ball is live at the snap of the ball and remains live until the official whistles the ball dead.

• The official will indicate the line of scrimmage, neutral zone and rush line.

• Substitutes may be made on any dead ball

• No Fumbles; Ball will be spotted where the ball carriers feet were at the time of the fumble

o QB/Center Exchange; Muff will result in loss of down. Ball is placed on the line of scrimmage

• Play is ruled “dead” when:

o Ball hits the ground

o Ball carriers flag is pulled or steps out of bounds

o Touchdown, PAT or safety is scored

o Ball carrier’s knee or arm hits the ground

o Ball carrier’s flags fall off

o Receiver catches ball with no flags

o The (7) second pass clock expires

o Inadvertent whistle

 Option #1 – Down is consumed and team can take the ball where it was when the whistle blew.

 Option #2 – Team can replay the down from the original line of scrimmage


• NO RUN ZONES; located (5) yards before each end zone and (5) yards on either side of midfield.

• Ball is spotted where the runner’s feet are when the flag is pulled, not where the ball carrier has the ball.

• Quarterback has the ability to scramble in the back field but cannot advance the ball beyond the line of scrimmage.

• Direct handoffs behind the line of scrimmage are permitted

o “Center Sneak” – The ball must completely leave the centers hands on the snap and player must step backwards off of the line of scrimmage in order to receive a direct handoff from the QB.

• Players that take the handoff can throw the ball from behind the line of scrimmage

• Spinning is allowed, players may not leave their feet to avoid a flag pull (No Stiff Arms nor flag guarding)


• All Passes must be from behind the line of scrimmage

• 1 Player on the line of scrimmage at all times prior to snap.

• Center may snap the ball one of three ways:

o Between the legs.

o Sideways; across the body.

o By facing the QB and passing it. No center sneaks.

• Shovel passes are allowed but must be received beyond the line of scrimmage

• Quarterback has a (7) second “Pass Clock”

o If pass is not thrown within (7) seconds, the play is dead.

o The down is consumed and the ball is returned to the line of scrimmage

o Once the ball is handed off, the (7) second rule is no longer in affect.

• All players are eligible receivers.

• Player must have at least (1) foot inbounds when making a reception.

• Motion is legal; One player at a time. Motion must be parallel to the line of scrimmage.

• Interceptions change the possession of the ball. Interceptions and special teams are the only change of possessions that don’t start on the (5) yard line.

Defense/Rushing the Passer

• Rush Line; Defenders will be a minimum (7) yards off the line of scrimmage. Any number of players can rush the QB. Players not rushing the QB may defend the line of scrimmage.

o A special marker, or the referee, will designate the rush line.

• Once the ball is handed off, the (7) yard rule is no longer in effect and all defenders may go behind the line of scrimmage.

• Teams aren’t required to rush the quarterback, (7) second clock in effect

• Players can extend open handed arms to block; anything above the neck and below the waist is not allowed.

Defense/Flag Pulling

• Man or Zone defense is allowed

• Defenders can dive to pull flags, but cannot tackle, hold or run through the ball carrier when pulling flags.

• An attempt to strip or pull the ball from the ball carrier is not allowed.

• Defensive players aren’t allowed to intentionally pull the flags off of a player who doesn’t have ball.

Kick-Off/Kick Return: Coaches will assist with Special Teams Accuracy

• Kick-Off takes place from the mid-field line.

• Kicker calls cadence, once play is live, Kicker becomes eligible defender

• Fair catches are allowed

• If the ball hits the field without touching anyone, a player is allowed to pick up the ball and advance it. Ball is dead on the spot once a player has made an attempt to catch and drop the ball.